Facilitating Connections: Nourished by New England
Client: Health Care Without Harm
Nourished by New England was a multi-year program of Health Care Without Harm that worked to connect farmers and food businesses throughout New England to new institutional clients, namely larger regional healthcare facilities. Breaking into the institutional market is often difficult for small producers, and Nourished by New England worked to breakdown barriers by offering technical assistance, skill development and facilitating virtual trade shows to introduce food producers to hospital food service staff.
That's where we came in. Emigre Pictures was engaged to travel across New England and meet with the participating food businesses to document their production methods, their approaches to sustainability, and most importantly capture their reflections on the New England food system and how local producers are helping it thrive.
The 20 short films we produced were then used by Health Care Without Harm to highlight the passion and commitment that these New England farmers and food producers bring to the table (pun intended), opening the door to increased sales, as well as healthier, local options on hospital menus.
VIDEO // Red Fire Farm
Video Production
Project Planning and Management -
We were honored to participate in this project, and do our part to connect these local farms and food businesses to new clients. We also had a blast hitting the road and exploring every corner of New England. As the project matured we were happy to hear of not only new business connections between participants and hospitals, but between the food producers themselves as the program sparked new and exciting collaborations.
VIDEO // Sample Footage
"When hospitals engage with local farmers not only are they creating jobs, for both urban and rural communities, but they have the ability to really connect with those producers and talk to them about their practices and make sure that they're sustainable."
- Lauren Kaskey, Regional Coordinator, Healthy Food in Health Care
"I think that by partnering with organizations like ours and with local farms, that's an enormous way to create a really powerful value chain to keep resources in the community, to keep investing back into the neighborhoods, to keep investing in jobs and small business, which is really how we create better health outcomes."
- Jen Faigel, Director, CommonWealth Kitchen
"Nourished by New England, for me, means that we're starting to become more self-reliant, and therefore more resilient in the face of climate change. And it means that there is a concerted effort by all the producers in this region to come together and be able to feed ourselves. We want to be part of that movement."
- Bruce Whiting, Maple Wind Farms